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Welcome to 2019!
Click here to download the Term 1 Calendar for 2019.
The main office will be open for inquiries from Monday the 28th of January, 10am-2pm.
Wednesday the 30th and Thursday the 31st are Teacher Only Training Days, the main office will be open from 9am-3.30pm.
Students return to school on Monday, February 4th (with the exception of Years 10-11 who attend school from 9.30-3 on Friday 1st February). The schol day starts at 8.50am with a quick roll call, then Assembly in the Hall.
Students in Years 1-6 should report to the homeroom indicated in their end of year report. If you can't remember which room that is, check with the main office.
Years 7 and 8 to Room 16.
Year 9 to the Graphics Room.
Years 10/11 to the Art Room.
Year 12 to the Science Lab.
Year 13 to the Social Sciences Room.
New students should report to the main office.
Timetables will be distributed on the first day back, but you should be able to check them on the Kamar app and Portal from the 21st January onwards.
Term dates for 2019 are as follows:
Term 1 29th January – 12th April
Term 2 29th April – 5th July
Term 3 22nd July – 27th September
Term 4 14th October – 13th December
Looking forward to seeing you soon!