Senior Year 9-13 Exams

Senior Year 9-13 Exams

It's almost that time of the year!

It is less than three weeks until the school examinations begin. We have explained how important it is that students do their very best in these examinations. This cannot happen unless the students have prepared well by keeping up with school work, completing homework and revising earlier work.

For NCEA students these exams are extremely important as if, for some very good reason, they are unable to sit the NZQA exams in November, the results of these school exams are all NZQA will be taking into consideration when awarding a grade.

Not all students in each year group are doing all the exams. Your child will know what exams they will be doing.

Thursday 12th


Monday 16th


Tuesday 17th


Wednesday 18th



L3 Geography

L2 Geography

L1 Science

Yr9 Social Studies

L3 Biology

L2 History

L2 Biology

L1 English

Yr9 Maths

L3 English

L1/2 Art

Yr9 Science

L3 Maths

L2 Maths

L1 Maths


Yr9 English

Yr9 Technology