A huge thank you!

A huge thank you!

Thank you to all our community who contribute to Fuel in Schools!

Fern Energy has been supporting schools through a programme that has run for the last fifteen years. Fuel for Schools has provided over $2 million of resources to more than 700 rural schools and TCAS is one of them. The community nominates our school to receive a percentage from fuel deliveries and then TCAS are able to choose product packages from a variety of technology, sports or literature packages on offer.

The heroes of this story really are our community. Our community nominate our school to receive 50 cents for every 100L of bulk fuel they have delivered and we would like to say a massive thank you to those that have contributed:

RJ Pepperell

JM Ramsay (Owaka) Ltd

JD Souness Ltd

Shearhaven Farm

Rockburn Dairy Limited

Cochrane Family Farms

H J Jenks & Sons

Matuanui Limited

Craig Sinclair Fencing

Purakaunui Bay Ltd

Excelsior Farms 2019 Ltd

Merryvale Farm Limited

Totara Hills 2019 Ltd

R N & CM Sinclair

A C Jackson

Rowland & Pinckney Partnership

JA & LK Burgess

Craigie Limited

TG & SG McLaren