Tūhura Otago Museum visit for the juniors

Tūhura Otago Museum visit for the juniors

Read all about the juniors venture to Dunedin to the museum.

During our visit to Tūhura Otago Museum, students from Room 1, 2, and 3 had an enriching experience learning about the Polynesian migration. One of the fascinating aspects we explored was what the Polynesians brought with them on their double-hulled waka. This included not just physical items but also knowledge and skills essential for survival and navigation.

We delved into how the Polynesians used the natural world to navigate across vast distances. This included studying the stars, sun, clouds, and birds, which were integral to their navigation techniques. Students were interested in finding out about intricate methods the Polynesians employed to navigate the open seas using these natural cues.

Overall, the trip to Tūhara Otago Museum marked the beginning of our project exploring the Polynesian migration and their remarkable ability to adapt and thrive in challenging environments. The children are very excited to continue to delve deeper into this amazing voyage in which they discovered Aotearoa. Thank you to Julia McKay who organised the trip and to all the parents who assisted on the day with transport and parent help.

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